Thank you Note to Mother

 Dear Mother,

You must be surprised to receive a letter from me at this time. I want to let you know how thankful I am to have a wonderful and loving mother like you. I am very thankful for the love and care, sacrifices you have made and the hardships you have went through to make me happy and comfortable.  This letter might not be worth the love and care you have given to me. I have grown up to this wonderful person only because of your existence. Unlike others they are nothing precious and special for me to show gratitude for your unconditional love and care.  Still then, I want to express my gratitude in this piece of paper. It may not sound sweet and sound but this are my true feelings that I want to share with you. Dear mother, I cannot thank you enough for all you have done to me but remember that you are always in my heart.

Dear mother, thank you for being such a wonderful mother. For the sake of your children you have sacrificed everything. You have gone through all kinds of hardships and obstacle to let your children fulfills their dreams to make them a successful person.  I could still remember you going in search of money to our neighbors’ house to buy a brand new school shoes for me and my sister and the scolding you have beard. You have withstood to all the criticism and harsh treatment to give us education.  You would work day and night, not even dare to care for yourself. You were busy thinking and worrying of how to make us live proudly like each and every child. Mom I am really sorry for everything because sometimes without being realized what you were going through my words were too harsh for you to swallow. Back then, I was too naïve and stupid to realize how much you have suffered and sacrificed for us but now I have realized your effort and thank you so much. I will make sure that your sacrifices are worth it when you are in need of me.

I am incredibly grateful to have you as my mother. Every time I think of you, so many different memories come to my mind- memories that are unforgettable and will live in my heart for the life time. I could remember us visiting Tagchhu Lhakhang one of the sacred place in monger. We walked for four hours; don’t even know how we reached there. We snapped photos together, talked about lots of things that we have even not imagined. It was one of the happiest moments I had shared with you. Thank you mom for encouraging me, believing in me and for being my amazing person. Even if we are not together I could always feel your presence, feel you watching me, caring and worrying about me and remember that you are always that special person in my heart.


 Dear mother, thank you for being an amazing person. Thank you for giving me the live that every child deserves and treating me special in your life. If it were not you, I would not have been able to become the way I am today.  Remember that I am proud to be your daughter and I love you. The seed you have sown is about to sprout and will soon grow into a beautiful plant to make your life comfortable and beautiful. Dear mom, believe in me I will do the best in my life. Lastly, thank you for everything and you will be forever engraved in my heart.



Your daughter



This document will help students familiarize on how to write letters to their loved ones and they will get to know the features of writing thank you note.   

 steps to write thank you note: 1. choose the topic about to whom you are going to write.

2. Greeting.

3. Make a list to key ideas you are going to write.

4.  Elaborate the ideas 

5. Write the closing with thank you note.

6. Sign your name.


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