
Showing posts from June, 2022

Dzongs build by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal

  1. Rinpung Dzong Paro Dzong, it was built in 1644 under the order of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal, the holder of Drukpa- Kagyud Buddhist School, and the unifier of Bhutan. This dzong has been used on various occasions to protect Paro from the invasion of Tibet.      2.  Pema Gatshel                                                                                                                                             Constructed only in 1980s, the Dzong is a simple structure yet with traditional elegance. The structure marked a symbol of its own entity and now serves as the district administration center as all other Dzong in the country.                      3. Simtokha                                                                                                                          It was Constructed only in 1980s, the Dzong is a simple structure yet with traditional elegance. The structure marked a symbol of its own entity and now serves as the district administration center

Role play (Script): Love and Time

    Drama: Love and time   Characters:                  Love (main character  Happiness  Saddness                                      Vanity Knowledge Richness      Elder Time   Scene 1 Setting: Island Narrator: Once upon a time, there was an Island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, Love and all of the others. Once it was announced to the feelings that the island is going to sink, so all of them constructed boats and left, except for love.   Happiness : Hello! Friends did you all got the information that our home is soon going to sink and all of us should hurry to the safe dry places. Sadness: Yes, Happiness we are aware of that and it is better for us to leave this island as fast as possible or else we will be buried along with the island under the sea.   Knowledge: Dear friends, let us start constructing boats to escape this place before it’s too late. Happiness: Sure, sure Knowledge I am already done with it and soon leaving

Weather song for lower primary students.

  Weather song What’s the weather? What’s the weather? Like today? Like today? Look outside the window. Look outside the window. Can you say? Can you say?   It’s a sunny; it’s a sunny, sunny day, sunny day. Go out in the sunshine, go out in the sunshine Play, play, play, play, play, play   It’s a cloudy; it’s a cloudy, cloudy day, cloudy day Go and get a thick cloth, go and get a thick cloth If it’s cold, if it’s cold.   It’s a windy; it’s a windy, windy day, windy day Let’s get inside the house, let’s get inside the house It’ll make us sick, it’ll make us sick.   It’s a rainy; it’s a rainy, rainy day, rainy day Go and get umbrella, go and get umbrella We will get wet, we will get wet.   It’s a snowy; it’s a snowy, snowy day, snowy day Go and get a sweater, go and get a sweater To feel the warmth, to feel the warmth.   What’s the weather? What’s the weather, like today? Like today? Look outside the window, look outside the window Ca